First Amendment to By-Laws
May 2, 2004
The by-laws of the Association are hereby amended as follows:
- Article V, Section 5.2.Election: the section shall be amended to state: "...and at each annual meeting thereafter the members shall elect the director(s) for a term of one (1) year (previously three (3) years) to fill each expiring term".
- Article VI, Section 6.1. Regular Meetings: the section shall be amended to state: "Regular meetings of the Board of Directors shall beheld annually without notice,..."
- Article VII, Section 7.7. Nomination: the section shall be amended to state:"Nomination for election to the Board of Directors shall be made by a Nominating Committee, if such a committee is established by the Board of Directors. in the absence of this committee, nominations will be solicited from the membership prior to the annual meeting. Nominations may also..."
- Article X, Section 10.1. Annual Meetings: the section shall be amended to state: "...and each subsequent regular annual meeting of the members shall be held on the first (1st) Sunday in May, and on the same day of the same month of each year thereafter, between the hours of 12:00 noon and 5:00 P.M. as determined by the board and with proper notice to the members, however it is further provided that the Board of Directors may upon written notice to the members ..."
- Article X, Section 10.5. Proxies: the section shall be amended to state: "...All proxies shall be in writing and filed with the secretary or president prior to time at which the annual meeting is called to order. No proxies will be accepted subsequent to the time the meeting is called to order. Every proxy..."
- Article XIV, Corporate Seal; This Article is to be to be deleted and hereafter no corporate seal is required.
- Article XV, Fiscal Year: The article is amended to state that the fiscal year of the Association hereafter shall begin on the first day of April and end on the 31st day of March of every year.