Meeting called to order at 7:20pm on 1/20/2011 at True Grits. Reviewed actions from last meeting.
- Confirmed changes to by-laws. Changes to bylaws between 2004-2009 were never captured in one document. Decision was made to update all changes and include in the 2010 update document for 2010. Will keep changes on web site separately from the original by-laws.
- Meeting time update & Electronic ballot via email are the needed amendments (Tracy)
- Knock Box- $91 to install (Bill)
- Signs on fence updated (Tracy to give Brad info) - Brad to get quote
- ACC reviews plans and send notification to the homeowner (Tracy to update)
- Print out first meeting meetings and amendments for Annual Meeting (Tracy)
- Ask Susan to send letters to those two quarters behind; with 3rd quarter dues send letter saying lien will be filed (Sue)Ask about getting a contract on gate (to maintain); In order to maintain different codes for different families, we need to investigate new gate systems. Check on cost to upgrade box to internet. If under $5K, Board can approve it. How do we get more remotes? How do we handle power outages? (Curtis)
- Update HOA contact list; send mail to those with no other contact information to inform them of Meeting and to obtain alternate contact info (Tracy)
- Prepare Budget update (Sue)
- Change 1431 code and send out in email and snail mail (Curtis)
Agenda for Annual Meeting:
Maintenance – Gate changes & Paint Fence this year, Lawn Maintenance company change last year (saved ?? $$)
Gate- see above action item
Architectural Committee- report on how many people submitted plans, plan to build, timing, etc….
Road Report- plan to seal road this year in August and have bulge in road examined
Voting Procedures- online voting Treasury Report
Budget- report from Sue
Quarterly Dues- will continue to be $100
Board Election- for new board members
By-law amendments – Tracy will print and bring to meeting
Website- inform everyone of it
Round Table