Attendance: Greg Behrens, Julia Baldwin, Sue Anderson, Renwin and Isabella Yee, Kathy and Leonard Liboon
Meeting Minutes
1. Call to order 2:01pm
2. Approval of minutes from 2013. Motion to accept and approve was made by Sue and Greg 2nd and minutes were approved.
3. By laws ( no changes).
4. Maintenance Report.
a.Greg provided an update on the damaged gate incident. Service is now restored.
As indicated on the last report , the gate code log helped to identify who was responsible for the damage. A landscaper hired by a Long Hollow home owner took responsibility. The landscaper's insurance covered damage to the gate .
The costs were:
Gate -$6692
b. Lawn mowing and maintenance provided by Geoscapes, Inc. , Thomas Money (512 )259-1157. The company provided services every four weeks from April through October. Areas included mowing and weed treatment along the Long Hollow Estates front entrance , 6 ft back from roadway and around the 2 cul-de-sac . Work was complete on new plants for the front entrance at a cost of $3695.88. Since irrigation is an issue, drought tolerant plants have been planted to replace areas damaged by severe weather. Julie and Shane provided help with watering while the plants developed a stronger root system.
c. Planned paint maintenance was done on the front entrance fence and gate at a cost of $2871.89
d. Road work done in 2013
Completed in August by Randall Paving Company . The company repaired cracks and provided a sealing coat. During the rainy season it is advisable to address weeds in the cracks so they do not cause damage to the road. The cost for the road sealing was $9560.
e. Discussion regarding a new keypad included the benefit of upgrading the existing 40 gate code/40 program pad at a cost savings ( It is 15 years old) or replacing the system altogether which would cost approximately $3000 increasing the code capability to 500. Decision made to replace the circuitry.
5) Architectural Committee- Shane has retired from the committee. A replacement volunteer on the board will be needed for 2014. This can be communicated in a general notice.
6) Treasury Report SueAnderson entered report with a cash balance of 46,852 with available funds of$50,620 on 12/31/13.
a. An increase for the lawn maintenance budget is suggested to cover both maintenance as well as landscaping upgrades to the front.
b. Budget quarterly dues will remain $100 per quarter per lot.
c. There is not a problem with delinquent quarterly dues at this time
7) Board election - Current members Greg, Sue and Julia will serve another year. Birgit Sund will be retiring and a new replacement will be needed.
8) Round Table Discussion
a) Emergency Contact List-an updated contact list was provided to homeowners attending the meeting for review and members were encouraged to make any changes or corrections (especially for LHE homeowners).
b) Discussion regarding security cameras in the front entrance at a cost of $3000. This requires a vote from the homeowners. No action taken.
c. Discussion regarding lights at the front entrance.
d. For safety owners placed a "Children at Play" sign at the front entrance area to remind drivers to slow down to 15 throughout the neighborhood.
e. The front gate is set at one minute. There was discussion regarding setting it back to 30 seconds. It was decided to keep it at one minute.
Adjournment: 2:45 pm