Annual Meeting Minutes from 2/20/2016

Posted on Tuesday, March 1, 2016

The annual meeting of the Long Hollow Estates HOA was called to order at 3pm on February 20, 2016 in the home of Greg and Lori Behrens by Greg Behrens.

Greg & Lori Behrens, Sue Anderson, Joe Xeureb, John Bunnell, Paul & Karen Miller, Jim Alcina, Ren Yee,Keith & Alison Shaw, Birgit Sund

Approval of Agenda
The agenda was unanimously approved as distributed.

Approval of Minutes
Paul Miller motioned to approve the previous year’s meeting minutes.  The motion was seconded by Joe Xeurub.  All were in favor.

New Business

Architectural Committee Business: Jim Alcina volunteered to join the architecture committee.  The committee members are now Jim Alcina, Patty Rosado, and John Bunnell.  There were two new builds approved in 2015.  It was noted that the architectural committee is responsible to verify new builds follow the restrictions for building height, minimum square footage, and masonry coverage.

Maintenance Committee:  The need for ditch cleaning was discussed.  It was agreed to request a quote from Turf Team Landscaping to perform clean up on the trees.  The acceptable cost for this service was determined to be $200.

Lighting at the front gate:  It was determined that professional lighting at the front gate was desired.  The lighting should include lights on both walls with work not to exceed $3000.  Joe Xeurub motioned to approve the front gate lighting project.  Greg Behrens seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  Jim Alcina agreed to lead the project.  

The lighting on the key pad was also discussed.  Greg Behrens took the action to engage a repair company for this effort.

It was noted that the ditch by Leonard and Kathy Liboon’s house might be causing flooding issues.  It was agreed the ditch condition should be reviewed.  Jim Alcina motioned to use Alcom to dig out the ditch with an expense not to exceed $3000.  Paul Miller seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

Treasurer’s Report:  The CY2015 P&L and Balance Sheet were reviewed.  All expenses were in line with the 2015 budget.  The budget for 2016 was reviewed.  The quarterly dues will remain at $100/qtr/lot.  Paul Miller motioned to approve the budget.  Greg Behrens seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

Neighborhood Safety:  Cart & ATVs - The increased use of golf carts and ATVs was discussed.  It was noted to make sure vehicles are adequately marked with reflective tape.  There were concerns about the well-being of the children operating these vehicles.  It was request that if a neighbor sees any issues, please call the parents to report concerns.  Also please inform builders and helpers of the increased activity.

Signs- Adding a special speed limit sign was discussed.  It was noted that we currently have a speed limit sign at the gate along with “Caution Slow Children”.  It was decided this was adequate.

Lori Behrens motioned to adjourn the meeting.  Karen Miller seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  Meeting was adjourned at 3:15PM by Greg Behrens. 

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