MEETING WAS CALLED TO ORDER AT 3:00PM - 20 people in attendance.
Minutes from 2017 meeting were reviewed by attendees. Motion made to approve minutes by Greg Behrens and Sue Anderson 2nd the motion. All were in favor and motion passed.
Projects completed:
Jim Alcina Chairman of AC reported on projects completed. Shaw's garage has had changes made to garage but still out of compliance as far as the masonry structure. Matter is resolved based on mutual written agreement between HOA attorney and Shaw's attorney. However, this project is not in compliance with the city of Jonestown.
Sund's solar panels were installed per plans presented and is 100% compliant.
Projects in progress:
Loges Construction of David Weekley Home. Ongoing, roads are in good shape, all is in compliance. Foundation was determined to be a few feet into utility easement but AC committee has not issue/jurisdiction to pursue further action.
Brad Heath -lot clearing ongoing house plans have not been submitted as-of date.
Li boon -culvert runoff corrected. Ongoing front yard project completion date not known.
Attendee brought up concern about recent Hollow's event regarding malfunction of fire hydrants and asked if our Long Hollow fire hydrants have been inspected. Attendees stated they have never seen inspection of our hydrants. Chairman, Greg Behrens will call city of Jonestown fire department and inquire and report back to HOA Board.
Controller at front gate has been replaced.
Roads sealed - minor crack patching done.
Request made by attendees that stone wall at entrance needs power washed. Leonard Liboon and Greg Behrens will try to clean with a non-bleach substance.
Greg will contact owner of first lot about trimming the oak tree branch that hangs over wall and impedes trucks coming in and out of neighborhood.
Linda Sewell proposed new landscaping/beautification to gate entrance to improve asthetics. Attendees discussed the need for irrigation system to gate area to support landscape.
Jim Alcina made a motion for $5,000 budget allowance to make improvements at front gate including plants & irrigation system installation and also replacement of light at keypad. Paul Miller second motion, all approved motion.
Sue Anderson reviewed balance sheet and income/expense statement from FY2017. All actual expenses were within budget except for legal fees for the Shaw's project and legal fees for amendments to HOA covenants. No objections were made.
Proposed budget/Dues-questions arose about fence maintenance/painting. Discussion about
inspecting fence to see if painting was needed -possibly could use budgeted amount towards proposed irrigation system and landscaping. Paul Miller and Greg Behrens will inspect fence and report back to Board. *Addition-"All agreed to move forward with usage of the budgeted fence maintenance funds for the landscaping/irrigation project at front gate if fence didn't need painting this year". Treasurer
reported HOA dues are to remain at $100 per lot per quarter. Greg Behrens motion to approved Budget-Orietta Alcina second-Budget was approved.
Six covenant amendments presented for review with proposed additions in italics. Amendments 1-5 were ok as is. Amendment 6 questions were raised by Bill Carr and Paul Miller that wording seemed limiting to HOA and any possible legal action to be taken if parties cannot come to a "mutual satisfactory" resolution. Scott Sewell will contact Atty. Patty Arnold to get clarification on this amendment revision and will report back to Board. Once clarification is received on amendment 6, ballot sheet will be sent to all voting members for approval of all 6 covenant amendments.
Two revisions were presented to homeowners for approval. Quorum was present. Paul Miller motion to approved, Bill Carr second the motion, all approved. HOA President, Scott Sewell will make sure Bylaws revisions will be recorded in Travis County Records.
Joseph Zuereb after serving in capacity as Vice President this past year, resigned effective 2-24-2018 due to family commitments. Bill Carr volunteered to take the VP position -all approved.
Greg Behrens motioned to adjourn meeting, Paul Miller second motion. Meeting adjourned at 5:05PM. MINUTES PREPARED BY LINDA SEWELL