Annual Meeting Minutes from 3/1/2020

Posted on Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Meeting called to order at 3:30 – 14 in Attendance

Minutes from 2019 reviewed. Questions if lot (address 8213) is still requesting removal of portion of fence. No further communication has been provided on the matter. Scott motioned to approve – Sue 2nd. All in favor.

Architectural Committee Report:

Report given by Scott Sewell & Greg Behrens in the absence of Jim Alcina.

Brad Heath’s lot, construction has been delayed. Completion now estimated 12/2021. Slab should be poured mid-March. Confirmed contractor has been given instruction to keep gates open while cement trucks are coming / going on pour day. Also, confirmed Jim Alcina has access to build site for inspection.

Per Julia Baldwin the estimated closing date for the sale of their lot is end of April 2020.

Birgit Sund requested update on lot next door (believe it is 8111) and advised an email was received from new owner Cindy Williams in regards to clearing. No one had any further info. To be followed up with Jim Alcina when he returns.


Maintenance Committee Report:

Report given by Scott Sewell & Greg Behrens

Missing / damaged letter in the “Longhollow” sign at entrance. Scott got a quote for the single missing letter N, quote was $185, letter will not match due to sun & aging of existing sign. Quote for entire sign to be replaced is $1400. Sue Anderson confirmed sufficient funds are in reserve. Scott Sewell motioned to replace entire sign, Melissa VanTuinen 2nd the motion. All in favor.

Greg Behrens said we are running low on gate “clickers” and asked if anyone was in need. None needed, no order will be placed at this time.

Greg Behrens inquired if anyone knew anything more about the code box at gate. Birgit Sund confirmed Curtis had previously researched and nothing new was on the market at the time. Brad Heath will look into it further. Motion made by Scott Sewell to look further into updating box, Linda Sewell 2nd  the motion.                                                                                                                                  

Street sealing – should it be sealed this year, or push until the Heath’s complete construction. Jim Alcina to discuss with Heath’s contractor to determine possibly scheduling for this summer, depending on build schedules.

Blind curve at gate, bush needs trimming. Scott Sewell to get with our community landscaping guy, Clayton Hamer, to trim.

Fire hydrant testing was reviewed into with Jonestown Water Supply Corp. A generic answer was provided- it is tested annually, although no proof / confirmation to confirm.

Ditch clearing at culvert and rock added to improve drainage has been completed by Eco Irrigation. Eco also suggested culvert at front needs to be cleared, with a quote of $750. All agree to keep an eye on it and report if any drainage issue is notices.


Treasury Report:

Sue Anderson reviewed the balance sheet and income / expense statement for 2019.

2 lots are past due on, believe this should be remedied by the possible sale of the lots and no further action is being taken at this time.

P&L in line, increase in cost at entrance gate, also due to culvert clearing.

2020 budget for repairs such as new auto dialer and new signage letter is $16.5k. If new auto dialer not needed, will keep in reserves for future need.

Mentioned that budget for phone is high. Brad will research this in combination with looking into gate entry / code system.

It was verified with Clayton Hamer (new owner of Turf Team Landscapes) that lawn maintenance fees will remain the same.

HOA dues to remain the same- $100 per quarter per lot

Also discussed, Brad Heath would like camera / dome with no trespassing / surveillance signs at gate. Greg Behrens will look into cost to purchase and install camera and signs.

No other questions brought forward for discussion.

Scott Sewell motioned for adjournment, Greg Behrens 2nd the motion. All in favor. Adjourned 4:45.


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